Welcome to the Mills College Club of New York!!
Spring is here and we have some upcoming events that may interest you.
On April 29, 2024, there will be a tour of the Clay Art Center, co-founded by Katherine Choy ’50, MA ‘51 and fellow ceramicist Henry Okamoto. Their mission was dedicated to the advancement and practice of ceramic art. We will learn more about their lives and see samples of their work. There will be a Dutch treat lunch following at a nearby restaurant. If you are interested and have not received an invitation, write us at millsclubny@gmail.com. The Deadline for the RSVP is April 24.
In June, a Mills alumna will give a tour of the Metropolitan Museum’s China collection. The size of the group will be limited so watch for the invitation so you can reserve a place.
Looking to the fall, we are planning an event with Dean Beth Kochly who will give us an update on the academic programs on the
Mills@Northeastern campus.
We hope to meet you at one of our events and appreciate your visit to our Mills College Club website.
Helpful links:
AAMC website: https://www.aamc-mills.org/news-updates
The Mills College Club has been in existence since 1919 and we are proud to continue its mission to foster old and create new bonds among Mills College alumnae who live in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. We gather for fellowship with each other; raise money for the College (specifically for the Tri-State Scholarship Fund); help with the College's admissions efforts and publicize events related to Mills alumnae and faculty members.
Anyone living in Connecticut, New Jersey, or New York who attended Mills for a semester or more is included in the mailing list for the MCCNY.
Former MCCNY members who have moved away from this area are also welcome as members, as are faculty and staff of the College. These days, except for the mailed invitations to the fall fund-raising event, we keep in touch via e-mail—so it is important for us to know how to reach you this way. Board meetings are held periodically to plan our events; all are welcome at these meetings.
Annette Chan-Norris
and Margot Mabie, Co-chairs